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How to work out her ring size


Here are some ways you can figure out a ring size, including how to do it at home. Use one of following measurement methods, then look up your ring size on the chart attached below. 


A ring sizing chart is a spreadsheet with multiple columns that show the equivalent ring sizes across different countries, and often the diameter or circumference in millimeters and/or inches.


Measure Your Finger - Circumference of the Ring

Use a thin strip of paper and wrap it round your finger, mark it where it meets, then use a ruler to measure the length.


How to measure your ring size at home with paper.png



Measure Your Ring - Diameter of the Ring

Use a ruler or digital calipers to measure the internal diameter of a ring that fits on the finger you are trying to measure, (a flat band works best for this) then look up your size on a sizing chart. This is also a good way to learn the ring size of someone else if it is a surprise for them, like for an engagement ring.


Ring 16mm.JPG

TIP: Line up the centre of the ring on a piece of paper to ensure you get an accurate measurement of the diameter

Ring 16mm w ruler.JPG



Visit a jeweler - Fit Test

Jewelers have a selection of ring blanks that they use to determine your ring size, they will watch you trying on a few sizes to see which one fits best, their experience  means that they know how much effort it should take to remove the ring to get the best fit. Alternatively, if you have a ring that you wear on that finger already, the jeweler can use a ring sizing stick to tell you what size it is. If you’re wondering how to find a jeweler nearby who can tell you your ring size, you can search your local area on google maps for “jeweler near me”.


Work out ring size with ring stick mandrel.png



Buy the tools - Do It Yourself

Just like most things these days, you can buy the tools yourself on Amazon. We recommend this ring stick, and these ring blanks. For the best fit, the ring should require a little bit of effort when removed from your finger.


Find out ring size with ring blanks gauge.png
Ring Size Chart



Ring sizing chart 

Use the chart below to work out your ring size,

for US/UK, whether you measured your diameter or circumference.

Ring Chart Size Guide US:UK diameter & circumference.png

This chart is for an average ring with a width of about 2mm, wider rings may need to be a larger ring size (because they cover more area they feel tighter if your skin has less area to move out into around the sides of the ring).



Once you have the ring

If you need to have the size changed, a jeweler can adjust it for you, to either increase or reduce the ring size. It is common to need your ring altered to a larger size during or after pregnancy, or with age or weight loss.


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